50 Must-Read Books By Debut Authors for January–June 2019 (Bookriot)


I don’t know about all of you, but one of my very favorite things as a reader is discovering an author’s first book and telling everyone I know about it. So many new authors debut every year, but have no fear – I’ve whittled the list down for you. Here are 50 must-read debuts from the first half of 2019 that you NEED on your TBR this instant.

To see the full list on Bookriot, click here.

Sonya Lalli publicity photo. Credit Ming Joanis/A Nerd's World.

If You Could Invite Anyone To Dinner, Who Would You Choose? 6 Authors Share Their Answers (Bustle)


Bustle reached out to a few authors to find out which five people they would choose for their own life-changing dinner parties, and the answers are just as unique as the women themselves. Many of these authors say that they would like celebrity icons and beloved family members to have a seat at the table.

To read the full article on Bustle, click here.