In this guest post for The Nerd Daily, I discuss the expectations women have thrust upon them in their daily lives.
I am in that stage of life where many of my friends and peers are getting married and having families. Before the pandemic my summers were full of weddings, bachelorette parties and showers, memories that I treasure even more now that we can’t so easily see one another. My social media feed is filled – to my delight – with baby photos and family portraits, which I like and comment on without fail. I am overwhelmed with excitement when someone I love enters a new stage of life, or announces a baby is the way, or finds someone to share their life with.
Yet, as married woman in her early thirties, I find myself defensive about my own journey. I have family members, friends, and even acquaintances who seem to be waiting with bated breaths for my next big announcement. I have had several professional accomplishments since my wedding day more than two years ago, but when I call them up to share the happy news, I’ve had to learn how to be careful in my approach.